If the thickness of the layer of water does not matter why the algae do not grow directly in the aquarium, with Sampo in vodoroslevikah, etc.? Why do we say that the Scrubber the most favorable conditions for algae growth are more favorable than in an aquarium? Explain the difference except for a layer of water?
Thin water means faster flow. Faster flow delivers more nutrients to the algae, and also, removes the boundary layer from the algae. The boundary layer slows down nutrient transfer.
Also, thinner water lets more light through.
Yes, probably a lot of people do horizontal Scrubber, but using the formula of choice for vertical pumps, they are too thick layer of water.
No, the reason that horizontal needs more water is to "jump" over the growth when it gets thick.
In the vertical can be a layer of algae up to 3 cm and not reduce the effectiveness of and in the horizontal can not, so it just needs to be cleaned more often.
Even before cleaning, at 2cm, or 1cm, the flow slows down. Slow flow reduces nutrient tranfer. In a vertical, flow never slows.
You mean algae tend to grow by isle and not homogeneously on the area? But the same is possible for vertical ATS, is not? But the same is possible for vertical ATS, is not?
In a horizontal, algae grows in "islands" or "clumps" or "balls" because of the "stacking up" of water. In a vertical, the water does not stack up... it jumps over.
I think ATS should be cleaned as algae grow up to 1-2 cm, why should one wait for 3 cm when thick algae layer suppresses nutrients transport to deeper regions? I think ATS should be cleaned as algae grow up to 1-2 cm, why should one wait for 3 cm when thick algae layer suppresses nutrients transport to deeper regions?
The more algae that exists, the stronger the filtering is. The more algae in your aquarium, the more it operates like the ocean. If you remove the algae before it becomes large, you reduce the filtering.
Previously we explain (for ourselves) intensive algae growth on coastal stones by better CO2 transport to algae.
This is "turf" algae. You do not want turf algae on your screen. It is to dark and will block light. Also, turf on rocks in the ocean only contacts the water half-time. When it is not touching the water, it is not filtering the water. You want the water to touch the algae at all times.
It sounds like "Vodka is very useful, millions of people could not be mistaken" It sounds like "Vodka is very useful, millions of people could not be mistaken"
Opposite. Almost everyone who has tried horizontal has given up. It did not filter enough.
When the algae gets as thick as 3 cm the scrubber should be just cleaned, and flow will be restored.
But the flow is stopped until then. If only stopped for one day, this is one day of no filtering.
And what prevents algae assimilate atmospheric CO2? For example a thin layer of water can quickly suck CO2 from the atmosphere, and the algae consume it already out of the water.
Water CO2 is already in equilibrium with air CO2. They are not changing. If the air CO2 changes, it only takes a few hours for the water CO2 to equal.
The type of algae you want to grow... green hair algae... does not use air. It uses water only. Green hair is best because it allows water and light to flow through it.
I would use an ordinary sheet of plastic coated with a layer of coral sand with average particle size of 1-2 mm, glued on silicone
No... this will block too much light from going through the screen, and also, not allow algae to "grab" the screen. The algae needs to be able to wrap around the screen, so it will not let go in strong flow.